This scholarship named in honor of Past President/Lt. Gov. of Sweetwater Kiwanis Club who had 59 years of perfect attendance with this club and consistently used his vision and leadership to guide this club.
The Kiwanis Scholarship Committee is chaired by Jim Fairweather along with committee members: Patrick Gaines, Susie Bledsoe, Lena Dixon, Reed Dixon, Tommy Lemmonds, TJ Teutimez.
This program is a supplemental reading program consisting of re-reading unfamiliar text until a satisfactory level of fluency is reached. Remedial reading is a strategy that implements assisted reading, reading while listening, and paired reading.
The BUG Program is a reading program for 3rd and 4th grader with the goal of increasing reading levels to yield improved grades. Kiwanis members provide one-on-one reading assistance, recognition and encouragement to raise their regrades. We recognize them by placing them on the school's BUG Honor Roll and presentation of certificates, buttons and other giveaways at a school wide assembly after each full grading period. The program is held at Sweetwater Elementary School and we give incentives of Kindle Fire tablets to the Most Improved Readers and the Top Reader at the school.
Terrific Kids is a character-building program that recognizes students for modifying their behavior. The program encourages kids to become the best version of themselves. Kids determine what being terrific means to them, then develop their own goals and use peer mentoring to hold themselves accountable for the actions they take each week. When a participant achieves their goal, her or she is recognized for being a Terrific Kid. Our Kiwanis Club provides incentives for K-Kids.
Builders Club empowers youth as they navigate this in-between-stage of life. Members develop self-awareness as they discover their passion to serve, their desire to lead and their ability to engage and collaborate with others. Service to school and community becomes a way of life!
Members work together to improve their schools and their communities. Their service also increases the visibility and enhances the reputation of both the club and the school or organization they represent. The program is designed to fit member and volunteer interests.
Each club determines its own meeting schedule, service projects and other activities in order to fit the needs of advisors, members and sponsors.
Key Club is a student-led, high school organization. Members make the world a better place through service. In doing so, we grow as individuals and as leaders by answering the call to lead, summoning the courage to engage and developing the heart to serve.
All proceeds go to our Sweetwater Kiwanis Club