Bryan Burchfield
Tony Carroll
Mallory Gates
Harris Lovingood
Branham Lovingood
Jay Riordan
Patrick Gaines
Roger Robinson
Hugh McCampbell
-Open Position-
DJ Seiler
Kathy Allen
In 1920 Kiwanis International selected George Selig as the Field representative for the Carolina District. During Mr. Selig's tenure, he started an astounding 19 clubs with the support of District Governor, Paul Haddock.
Records indicate a significant amount activity forming the club, promoting standards of conduct, coordinating with other Kiwanis Clubs, public outreach helping others and promoting the area. The Kiwanis were active in area infrastructure planning as well as fund raising to build roads. Financial difficulties due to the Great Depression silenced the club for about two years in the early 1930's, but a group met and reorganized in 1935. One member explained that bank failures and economic turmoil simply dwindled attendance took its toll. In 1939 the Sweetwater News welcomed TVA and Watts Bar Dam and the Sweetwater Kiwanis devoted themselves to cooperating with this effort as they knew strengthening this relationship would strengthen the city.
One story of note from 1958 told of a young lady at Friendsville Academy could barely read due to poor eyesight. Kiwanis got her back on track by sponsoring her through a local optometrist to correct her vision. Meeting notes from May of 1960 shows how Kiwanis stays in touch with technological innovations with a visit from IBM in which they presented a briefing about "The Information Machines - Computers." Other activities in the 1960's shows the Sweetwater Kiwanis sponsoring the Tellico Plains club and holding numerous fundraising events for underprivileged kids ranging from Kite Derbies to Horse Shows. In 1964, Bill Adams, club president attempted to boost Sweetwater club attendance at the Tellico Plains club. He devised a contest which the winners ate steak, and the losers ate beans. The winner was not mentioned in the notes, but there's no doubt it was a meeting to remember.
The common theme throughout Sweetwater Kiwanis history is the innovation. dedication, charity and perseverance. Kiwanis members have historically been focused on the true purpose of the club which is to improve the world one child and one community at a time. This club look out for the community and takes on challenges like building future leaders and lending a helping hand to less privileged children. Kiwanians are generous with their time, creative with their ideas and passionate about making a difference while having fun along the way.